Tristan Armer Recognized as 2024 “Ben Kilborn” South Alabama Volunteer Lawyer of the Year

On December 13, 2024, at the Mobile Bar Association annual Christmas luncheon, HSBA attorney Tristan R. Armer, was recognized by the South Alabama Volunteer Lawyers Program as the 2024 Ben Kilborn Volunteer Lawyer of the Year.  Mr. Armer was selected by the SAVLP in recognition of pro-bono work he performed for a client referred by SAVLP.  Mr. Armer represented a retired Vietnam Veteran in a fight to keep his home.  The client paid faithfully for many years until his seller passed away – leaving no information on how to continue making his payments to acquire full ownership of the property.  The client could not afford an attorney.  Once the property passed through an estate, an heir of the seller sought possession of the property.  After negotiations with the heir failed, Mr. Armer litigated and won a summary judgment for his client.  The judgment allowed the client to pick-up his payments where he left off before the seller’s death and ultimately, keep his home.  The client was deserving, thankful and wrote a glowing recommendation to SAVLP.  Mr. Armer was a tad embarrassed being recognized for pro-bono work as volunteering some time or treasure is a duty all lawyers share.