California condors are an endangered species. Another rare legal species is a denial of a workers compensation claim.
Charles Wright is a sixty six year old front-end alignment specialist. Wright claimed he permanently aggravated his back and knees due to his work. Karl Steinberger represented Wright’s employer, Turan-Foley Motors, Inc., and its insurer, the Mississippi Automobile Dealers Association, the Administrative Law Judge denied Wright’s claim in a forty-one page opinion. The ALJ found Wright did not meet his burden of proof in establishing it was a compensable case. The ALJ noted that the testimony of several witnesses who testified that he had told co-employees he planned to retire.
An appeal to the full Wokers’ Compensation Commission by Wright is expected. (Charles Wright v. Turan Foley Motors, Inc. and Mississippi Automobile Dealers Association, MWCC No. 1408387-M-7334-C).