Once again, the firm will be collecting TOYS FOR TOTS starting Monday, November 16 through December 15. Monetary donations are also welcome. Also our firm is participating in two events:
On Thursday, December 3, we will have a table set up at the annual “Pascagoula Tree Lighting” at the Beach Park. The Toys for Tots coordinator will have two ladies to do face painting and Candace and Heather have volunteered to represent our firm that evening. This will be a great time to collect toys and donations. In addition, there will be lots of events for kids, including real snow and Santa Clause!! Encourage family and friends to participate in this event sponsored by the City of Pascagoula.
On Friday, Dec. 4, we will once again have an open house during “Downtown for the Holidays” where we will be collecting toys and donations. People will be able to come into our office and see our beautiful tree and take pictures if they would like. The Toys for Tots coordinator is going to request a Marine in uniform to be here. .
Please tell your friends and families that we are collecting toys. If you know of anyone who may want to apply for toy assistance, they can register at toysfortots.org. Applications must be made by November 25.